Andrew Stephen participating in a Labour Day march with Unifor members

A strong voice for fairness, dignity, and respect for all workers

The Council 4000 Secretary-Treasurer is one of the most senior leadership roles in the Council. It requires someone with a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the way the Council works.

With 14 years of progressive union experience, Andrew is uniquely suited for the role of Secretary-Treasurer and we urge you to support him in this election.

Role of Secretary-Treasurer

The position isn’t only about signing cheques and verifying expenses: the Secretary-Treasurer sometimes presents cases at CROA and mediated arbitration, is called to stand in for the President in their absence, is responsible for providing guidance to Regional Representatives, Local Presidents, Chairpersons and workplace representatives, sits on the Council’s executive committee, pension and policy health and safety committees, and has a hand in setting the bargaining priorities for all national collective agreements.

The position therefore requires a wealth of broad-based labour relations knowledge and experience, and requires someone with tact, judgement, diplomacy, focus, and a clear understanding of the legal and political landscape.

Photo from 2013 Unifor convention with Andrew at head table as part of the Resolutions and Bylaws committee

Future of Secretary-Treasurer

In addition to what the Secretary-Treasurer currently does, we should also be looking to the future. The role can be much more than what it already is, taking responsibility for important things like communications, organizational planning and development, training, on-boarding, fundraising, and other areas of opportunity.

Andrew has the experience, education, and vision to reinvigorate this role and realize its potential.

Photo of Andrew Stephen